How To Play/Win


9 Decks to choose from (ROYGBIV + B/W)


Build your deck to 50 cards (over 100 different ways!) from the 9 colors of Cat, Storm Kit and Kit Cards + 9 each of the Action Cards and 2 Poop Scoops. All cards must be different, no copies (besides Poop Scoops) and no same Kit abilities.(unless playing Double Rainbow Mode)

-1 Cloud/Storm Cat
 -2 Storm Kits
 -9 Kits
 -9 Toys
 -9 Treats
 -9 Cat Spots
 -9 Cat Control
 -2 Poop Scoop

Place your Cloud Cat in the center of the Skyzone, shuffle your deck and decide who gets to play first. (maybe whoever pets your cat first?!) You want to have a Kit card or a way to search for one in your starting hand - if you DO NOT have one you may take a mulligan, shuffle up and redeal.

-Place your Cloud Cat in the center of the Skyzone.
-Draw 8 cards from your deck.
-To start your turn, draw 1 card. Then these following actions in ANY ORDER
-Besides TREATS, You can then play 1 card type per turn: 
-Activate 1 Cat Power from your Cloud/Storm Cat (starting from 0 you +1 or +2)
-Attack with your Kit cards if able. (Kits must wait 1 turn in the Skyzone before attacking)

Gameplay starts as a small sprinkle, the storm grows as Kits, Toys and Cat Spots enter the Skyzone. The game really intenses once you TRANSTORM your Cloud Cat into one of the STORM CAT 9!

>>You win the game if your opponent's Cat has 0 life - BUT you must TRANSTORM* your Cloud Cat first!<<

+ OR - Your Cloud/Storm Cat's life (you begin with 0) to activate a Cat Power.
Your Cat cannot have negative life or gain more than 9 life.

If your Cloud Cat's life reaches 9 then you TRANSTORM it into a Storm Cat, then activate a power again.
You can also TRANSTORM your Cloud Cat if you have 2 Storm Kits in the Skyzone.

Kit Cards that enter the Skyzone cannot attack on the same turn.
Defending Kits lose life/defense equal to the attacking Kit's power
(indicated on the bottom left and right of the card)
If a Kit's life/defense becomes 0, then place it in the Litter.

Toys & Cat Spots activate when they enter the Skyzone. 
If these cards switch Skyzones, they activate again.
Toy Cards stay in the Skyzone unless another card removes it or the Kit is removed.
Cat Spots stay in the Skyzone for the amount of turns the card says. (indicated on the bottom of the card)
Treat, Cat Control & Poop Scoop cards go in the Litter after they are played.

RAINBOW MODE: same way to play but you combine ANY color/type of Cat and Kits (with different abilities)
DOUBLE RAINBOW MODE: same way to play but you combine ANY 2 colors of Kit cards (18 total), ANY 2 Storm Kits combined with any Cloud/Storm Cat card.



CLOUD/STORM CAT CARD: This card begins and stays in your Skyzone. You start with 0 life and can gain up to 9. There are 9 unique Cloud/Storm Cat Cards with special -2 abilities that differ with each deck but still equally matched for a fair fight. (ROYGBIV +B/W= Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black & White)
KIT CARD: There are 9 Kit Cards in your deck. Kits abilities activate when they enter the Skyzone, if they switch Skyzones, they activate again. Kits must wait 1 turn in the Skyzone before attacking your opponent's Cat (unless another card says otherwise) You can only have 2 Kit cards in the Skyzone at a time. You can only search for standard Kit cards (not Storm/Cloud Kits) if the card states "search or Kit card."
STORM KIT CARD: There are 2 Storm Kit Cards in your deck. They have abilities that match your Storm Cat. Your Cloud Cat can Transtorm if you have 2 Storm Kits in your Skyzone. Storm Kits must wait 1 turn in the Skyzone before attacking your opponent's Cat (unless another card says otherwise) You can only have 2 Kit cards in the Skyzone at a time. You can only search for a Storm Kit Card if it specifically states STORM Kit.

Play these cards to power up your Kits or disable your opponents' 
TOY CARD: Use Toys to power up your Kits or stop other Kits from attacking/defending. Toy cards stay on a Kit unless the Toy or Kit is removed.
CAT SPOT CARD:  Use Cat Spots to gain advantage in the Skyzone or control your opponents'. Cat Spots stay in the Skyzone for as long it says on the card.
CAT CONTROL CARD: Use Cat Control to clear the Skyzone or search for a Kit in your deck.
TREAT CARD: Use Treats to power up your kits or distract your opponents' Kits! Treats are the only card type you can play more than 1 on a turn. Place Treat cards in the litter after you play them.
POOP SCOOP CARD: Use Poop Scoop to shovel up a card from the Litter or to Litter a Toy from the Skyzone.
See ACTION CARDS in How To Play section for more info.

Other card terms
SKYZONE: Where you place your Kit & Toy cards. (see below for layout)
LITTER: AKA Discard pile, where you place cards that have been played or Kits that can't fight anymore.
CAGE: Place Kit Cards in the Cage; to release later with your Cloud Cat or clean off the damage from battle. TRANSTORM: Place your Storm Cat on top of your Cloud Cat. (gain 9 life or control 2 Storm Kits)



Below is a layout of the gameplay. Cloud/Storm Cat in the center with 2 Kit Cards on either side. Cat Spot below and Litter and Cage on the left and right. Place the deck wherever feels comfy!



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